Dream Art Painting Ltd.

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Welcome to DreamArt Painting where our goal is to provide you with professional service that exceeds your highest expectations. Our team will work with you to create a custom solution to fit your specific needs, offering the best job for the best price. We are not your typical painting company. There is more to being a great painter than just the ability to paint. We think it’s also about providing the client with an exceptional experience, outstanding service, innovative solutions and using the best practices. We are Professional Painting Company located in Edmonton, family owned and operated by Chris & Tajana. You have many choices of companies offering painting services, so why should you choose us over the rest? First and foremost, it is our commitment to quality and workmanship. We are a professional painting company, not a home improvement company which offers painting as one of their many services. Our professional painters are experts in their field and adhere to our mission to provide only the highest level of quality and service for every project we undertake.

Dream Art Painting Ltd.
5194 Crabapple Link Southwest, Edmonton, AB T6X 1W9,

| Interior Design | Painters |

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