Marsha Brick's Fine Furniture

Hi, My name is Marsha Brick, I'm the eldest Child of Fred and Cynthia Brick. Fred and Cynthia were the founders of Brick’s Fine Furniture, started August 1, 1969, and closed in December of 2018. The decision to close the store was made by the 5 children of Fred and Cynthia. After Fred's passing in July 2016 and Cynthia's unexpected passing in July 2018. I decide to reformat the family business but continue in the family tradition. I changed the business from a Store Front to an appointment base model. I welcome you to make an appointment to come see our new showroom when ever it work for you. I will take appointments morning, afternoons, evening, weekdays and weekends.
Marsha Brick's Fine Furniture
171 Bannatyne Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0R4