Apex Home Inspections

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Our mission is to provide a complete property inspection service to the Greater Fredericton Region. We are committed to exceeding our customers’ expectations through our professionalism and experience. Mike Strong brings 10 years of experience as a Canadian Forces Construction Engineer, with a specialization in electrical and general construction methods. This, combined with his 5 years of firefighting experience, has helped him to develop a comprehensive, whole-home approach to inspection. Extensive Knowledge in General Construction Methods and Design gives Apex the know-how and understanding of building design and construction. We understand the systems of a home and how they work together. Hands-on experience is a clear advantage when it comes to inspecting homes. Commitment to service excellence goes further than know how. From your first contact with Apex, throughout the building inspection and real estate transaction, a skilled home inspector is at your side answering your questions and communicating findings simply, clearly and honest.

Apex Home Inspections
Fredericton. NB

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