Urban Touch Painting

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"Even our dog enjoyed his company," remarked a recent customer about Urban Touch Painting owner, Chris K. Cestar. If you’re looking for reliable quality painters with good old-fashion honest friendly customer service and reasonable prices, then contact Chris and his team of painting professionals at Urban Touch Painting. With more than 30 years of experience and 1,300 happy customers, we understand that one of the most visually rewarding projects that you will do to your property is to give it a new look with a fresh coat of quality paint. No matter how big or small, Urban Touch Painting can complete all of your interior home and property painting projects. We’re enthusiastic and happy to paint anything from commercial buildings, large or small houses to single rooms. All our experienced painters come with the best modern tools to get the job done right providing the highest standards that you deserve. A fresh, prime quality paint job will increase the value and longevity of your property for years to come.

Urban Touch Painting

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