Stone Script Inspections

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Stone Script Inspections is proud to be in business serving Saskatoon and the area with detailed and trusted inspections. Using our specialized tools, years of experience and education, we are dedicated to delivering the best home inspection and report to help you make an informed decision. Our inspector is a Journeyperson Carpenter, Certified Home Inspector, Licenced Building Inspector and an Indoor Air Consultant with a diverse background full of contractor knowledge. The Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics are fundamental guidelines in a home inspection, and Stone Script Inspections meets and regularly exceed these expectations. Our goal is to deliver the best service in our industry. We understand what it means to be able to trust your home inspector, and that's why we don't cut any corners. Our business is built on trust. We strive to explain our observations in language that even a first time home-owner can understand. We provide clear recommendations for improvement so that you can feel confident taking the next step.

Stone Script Inspections
902 Glacial Shores Manor Saskatoon, SK S7W 0R3

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