Queenstown Industries Ltd.

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In this age of mass production, finding cabinets that reflect your tastes and standards can be difficult. At Queenstown Industries Ltd. every job is conceived and designed to the requirements of each client. Extensive pre-construction consultation with the people building your cabinets ensures that your expectations are realized. At Queenstown, we’re passionate about custom cabinetry projects that elevate the beauty and functionality of your home. Every job is conceived and designed to the requirements of each client. Early & extensive pre-construction consultation with the people building your cabinets ensures that your expectations are realized! With over 40 years of industry experience, Queenstown has earned an enviable reputation for quality and customer satisfaction. We are a true custom cabinet shop.

Queenstown Industries Ltd.
1567 Route 102 Upper Gagetown, New Brunswick E5M 2S6

| Cabinet Makers | Woodworking |

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