K. Kuypers Construction Ltd.

K. Kuypers Construction Ltd. logo

We're family owned. Kevin, the third generation to operate the business is a very hands-on manager and guarantees the quality of the work with a 25 year guarantee - the longest in the business. Kevin says, "I'm a hands on person. I'm the guy that comes to your house and gives you your estimate. I'm the one you meet first and if we go ahead, I show up with our company truck at 7:00 am in blue coveralls and workboots. I'm on the end of the shovel with my crew. I'm involved in all aspects of the job. I'm busting the hole in your basement for the sump. Quality is important. It's my 25 year warranty. It's my neck on the line. So when we get a three day rainstorm after we're done, I sleep very well at night knowing we did a good job."

K. Kuypers Construction Ltd.
11420 - 142 Street Edmonton, AB T5M 1V1

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