Benchmark Waterproofing Inc.

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What do you really want when your house has a wet, leaky basement foundation? You want a wet basement solution that is rapid, permanent and professional. These are the exacting standards set and met in every job completed by Benchmark Waterproofing Inc. With skills and experience honed over a half century of business success, Benchmark continually strives to bring the very best of modern engineered waterproofing and underpinning technology to your individual case. Our solutions are customized to meet your specific home and needs. Benchmark is a family-owned, community-based business with a solid reputation for service. We invite you to contact our satisfied clients and review our qualifications. Benchmark Waterproofing Inc. is licensed, bonded and insured, so that you know your project is in safe hands. Safety of your home and possessions drives our design and performance on all waterproofing and underpinning projects.

Benchmark Waterproofing Inc.
2350 Dundas St. W. Unit 227, Toronto, ON

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